Beskyt dig selv mod uønsket overvågning fra f.eks. hackere. Kameraerne på din smartphone er forbundet til internettet 24/7 og med dette cover ved du altid, hvornår nogen kigger med.
- Varenr.:4043619206520
- EAN nr.:4043619206520
- Typenr.:20652
34,25 kr.
pr. stk. | inkl. moms
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DeLOCK Webcam Cover for laptop, tablet and smartphone, aluminium, black
This webcam cover by Delock protects the user´s privacy from unwanted spying, e.g. by a hacker. The cover can be opened and closed with the finger. Due to the very slim and small design of the cover, it is ideal for all laptops, tablets or smartphones. The cover is self-adhesive and can be easily placed and removed above the required camera.
• Self adhesive (3M tape)
• Material: aluminium
• Colour: black
• 3xCovers
Dimensions(WxDxH): 17.5x0.9x9.0mm.
This webcam cover by Delock protects the user´s privacy from unwanted spying, e.g. by a hacker. The cover can be opened and closed with the finger. Due to the very slim and small design of the cover, it is ideal for all laptops, tablets or smartphones. The cover is self-adhesive and can be easily placed and removed above the required camera.
• Self adhesive (3M tape)
• Material: aluminium
• Colour: black
• 3xCovers
Dimensions(WxDxH): 17.5x0.9x9.0mm.
- 20652.pdf (dokument) (316,7 KB)
EAN nummer:4043619206520Nogle produkter sælges under flere forskellige type nr., EAN nr. osv.
Typenummer:20652Nogle produkter sælges under flere forskellige type nr., EAN nr. osv.
Passer til:Apple mac/ iphone/ smartphone